Thursday, June 27, 2013

Hey Everybody!

Its your girl Mahogany! I have the honor of writing a blog on the Summer Program blog first! And its My birthday! How exciting is this? Like Nobody else has the first privilege! But its not about me, Its about the program. So far, This program has been okay. Like we need more excitement and fun. Its like we sit at a desk all day and type , and i know that half of us get dumb stupid when all we do is sit There all day. But the people here are mad cool. Like i rock with them and most of y'all are funny. I cant wait til we go to on our trips and stuff so we can get everybody out of their confront zones. Now, that lunch! Thats a miracle waiting and needing to happen. Like its not even funny how bad that stuff really is. But its good that they actually feed up! But let me get off! Just remember That today is MY BIRTHDAY! and i want a dollar from everybody pay check tomorrow! Bye y'all!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Budgeting and Blogging

Today students were introduced to the concept on budgeting. With many of the students overly excited about receiving their first paycheck this week, it was very important that this topic was brought up.

Students focused on learning the differences between Wants vs. Needs (Internet and Jordan's seem to be a must have for this group), Income and Expenses and the importance of paying yourself. We also talked about how important it was to make sure you have insurance (health, life and car).

Students were then able to develop and manage their own monthly budget based on the salary on what career they chose. They had to determine based on the needs, wants, income and expenses if the career and money they made was viable for the lifestyle they wanted to live. Overall, the kids enjoyed the topic and came to the conclusion that some of the things they really really felt the wanted weren't really the things they needed.

Later we went into more detail with our blogs. At this point, each student has a complete blog that also includes links to 10 of their fellow classmates blogs. Students are free to blog about whatever they want on a daily basis. The concept behind this is to improve writing skills, increase their knowledge of current events and use a variation f communication skills through technology.

Be sure to stay tuned to our blog as each day a different student will blog about their daily experience in the S.O.A.R Program.


Monday, June 24, 2013

Welcome to the S.O.A.R Summer Program

Hello and welcome to the official blog of the S.O.A.R Summer Program here at Independence High School.

My name is Mr. king and I am the lead instructor over the program along with Ms Amy Stiver. Our goals thi summer is to provide our youth with the ability to be able to create their own businesses from ground up. By the end of the summer, students will have the knowledge of communicating effectively, developing business proposals, budgeting finances and more.

This six-week program is designed to not only give the students a summer job, but real life work expereince that will be vaulable for them yeas down the line.

Please stay tuned to our blog throughout the summer as we will be posting various things to document what a summer this will be.
